Gain access to our comprehensive toolkit of resources to help you build and operate a profitable business.

Financial Plan

Earn a six or seven figure income! This unique financial plan breaks down income and expenses into "bite sized chunks" and then converts into exactly how many leads you need to generate per month for maximum profit, instant revenue and your personal wealth.

Business Plan

Take the number of leads you know you need and develop those into daily marketing activities and tactics. Our comprehensive Business Plan is broken down into a user friendly format, that is easy to implement and helps you make tangible progress on a daily basis.

Lead Tracker

Breaks down all your lead generation and marketing efforts into a detailed analysis. Ranging from dollar revenue by referral source to conversion ratios and ROI. Identify what isn't working immediately and eliminate. Focus and escalate what is creating the right results!

Time Management GPS

Don't become overwhelmed and run out of time. Maximize every hour of every day to ensure high productivity and results. Learn how to Work Smarter not Harder and ensure you aren't buried by paperwork, e-mails and calls and miss important opportunities to effectively multiply your business