So you have passed the Licensing Course and can now start your Mortgage Business – congratulations! So right now you don’t know what you don’t know yet. Take it from experienced and top producing Mortgage Brokers, you need support and help to get your business off the ground, and earning you income immediately – getting the license is the easy part! Now you need to have a laser focused strategy and approach to your business. We have the answer to a simple question you must have right now “what’s next, now what do I do?” We have the laser ... Register today for the Mortgage Agent Starter Program!

Maybe you are a floundering mortgage agent that has barely survived the first year and right now you are really debating on whether you should quit! But you know that you can do it, you love helping people, but just need a fresh new focus on your business and maybe even the industry! Take control of your new business NOW! - the sooner you start to fund mortgages the sooner you can enjoy being an entrepreneur, not worry about your income, and have some revenue coming in to pay some bills! There are three key areas you will focus on in this program to get up and running quickly and become profitable as soon as possible:

We have trained thousands of both new and experienced mortgage agents and brokers across Canada – those that have been in the industry for a while and take our programs for the first time always comment “I only wish I had this Program when I first started… I can’t imagine where my business and sanity would be today if I had.

You have the chance to take advantage of an amazing program that will help you become one of our future industry leaders. We have taken key segments from our entire line-up and created an affordable Mortgage Agent Starter Program© … all you need to maximize your potential immediately and hit the ground running. We GUARANTEE satisfaction – If you implement the content of this Program you will be funding mortgages within 60 days or less!


Learning Modules (in text form): Each module contains a corresponding text file that functions as your "workbook" to walk you through the program content step by step. These text modules provide you with all the information and instruction you need and can be used over and over again. Our suggestion is to read the text file before watching the associated recorded module. Start to build your library of knowledge and experience. Refer to this material while you are watching the training modules.

Training Modules: Comprehensive training modules that will walk you through all elements of the program while providing invaluable information and insight and narrated by a top producing mortgage broker. Learn how to implement, utilize and maximize results from this material. These training modules go above and beyond just reading the content of the workbook that you will receive - they explain in detail how to maximize the use and results of this Program in your business.

Templates: Includes a number of documents (templates, scripts, calculators and/or tools) for you to download to help you get started in your mortgage business. Point and Click easy to use soft copy templates to maximise your business growth and deliver value to your clients - no reinventing the wheel required - no technical experience required. You will find these templates listed under the specific Training Module they belong too and just click to download.

Updates and Upgrades to the Program: When you purchase our programs you have access to any and all updates for a 365 day period. You will receive updates to these any templates as well as program upgrades automatically. This membership also gives you access to our Bank of Canada template to send out to your database for all the fixed announcement dates, attendance and recordings of our member’s only webinars, and 30 minutes of free coaching per year with Chief Education Officer - Claire Drage - a top performing mortgage broker and trainer in the industry. After 365 days of purchase you will be required to pay $99/year to keep your membership in good standing.


  • Brand new mortgage agents that are just recently licensed with little to no mortgage broker background 
  • Previous banking experience but need to know how to leverage, sell and position you and your own brand now you are on the broker side!
  • Recruiters or team leaders that are looking for a turnkey training program to get their newbies up and running as quickly as possible - generating revenue for everyone
  • Floundering mortgage agents that are frustrated because they dont have a clear plan or strategy for their business that works. They haven’t been able to generate the business they hoped for and really want a strong foundation and a fresh start


It is recommended that in order to maximise the tools available in this program that you have basic computer and microsoft suite of products experience (word, excel etc.).


The three chapters of this program are broken into:

Chapter 1: Leads and Prospecting

Contains over 3 hours of step by step detailed instructional training modules to maximize your learning and implement easily. With over 20 documents for you to download and use immediately - tweaking and customizable to your style and market - leads will start flooding in!

  • Complete 90 day marketing plan that involves you spending $0!
  • Building a mutually beneficial power team
  • Learn how to network for success - from informercials to elevator pitches and more
  • Maximize your first impression for endless referrals
  • Internet and social media marketing strategies
  • Grow your business immediately with who you know now!
  • Launch a Friends & Family program
  • Plus more!

Chapter 2: Add Value and Differentiate with Effective Communication

Contains over 2 hours of step by step detailed instructional training modules to effectively community and wow your new client. With over 35 documents for you to download and use immediately - tweaking and customizable to your style and market - creating loyal clients for life!

  • Add value and differentiate against your competition while not selling rate
  • Deal flow process with a step by step guide for all your new leads with templates and scripts for pre-approving clients 
  • Easy point and click, cut and paste templates that treat every client like your first, last and only... consistency that allows you to grow
  • Post closing strategies to maximize more referrals and grow your database of clients

Chapter 3: Underwrite and Funding for Success and Income

Contains over 12 hours of step by step detailed instructional training modules to effectively underwrite and fund. With over 35 documents including calculators, templates and funding success strategies that work.

  • Taking an application effectively and efficiently, no back and forth between your client and the lender!
  • Vital secondary questions to get you all the information you need to underwrite accurately and provide the right mortgage
  • Underwriting process map for efficiency
  • Verify and collect documentation effectively
  • Underwrite and analyze quickly and with ease
  • Selecting the right mortgage and packaging to your underwriter
  • Meeting conditions, sign up success, compliance and earn

REMINDER, APPROVED USE AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT: Please remember that you have purchased the right to use this program, its training modules and templates. Do not distribute to anyone other than your own staff and assistants to be used on your own mortgage clients ONLY. It is forbidden to sell or distribute without permission from The Lion's Share Group Inc as per the Terms and Conditions agreed upon when you ordered this program.

Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Lead Generation - Networking & Elevator Pitches

    • Module 1 - Intro to Content (Pages 1 - 3)

    • Module 2 - Plan & Strategy

    • Module 2 - Plan & Strategy

    • Module 3 - Why Network

    • Module 3 - Why Network (Page 4 to 5)

    • Module 4 - Types of Networkers

    • Module 4 - Type of Networkers (Pages 5 to 6)

    • Module 5 - First Impressions

    • Module 5 - First Impresssions (Pages 6 to 8)

    • Module 6 - Elevator & Infomercials

    • Module 6 - Elevator & Infomercials (Pages 10 to 19)

    • Module 6 - Networking Elevator Pitch Worksheet & Downloads

    • Module 7 - Key Points 1

    • Module 7 - Key Point 1 (Pages 19 to 20)

    • Module 8 - Key Points 2

    • Module 8 - Key Point 2 (Pages 20 to 22)

    • Module 9 - Key Point 3

    • Module 9 - Key Point 3 (Pages 22 to 23)

    • Module 10 - Key Point 4

    • Module 10 - Key Point 4 (Pages 23 to 24)

    • Module 11 - Key Point 5

    • Module 11 - Key Point 5 (Pages 24 to 25)

    • Module 12 - Short Infomercials

    • Module 12 - Short Infomercials (Pages 26 to 27)

    • Module 13 - Long Informercials

    • Module 13 - Longer Infomercials (Pages 27 to 30)

    • Module 14 - Getting Noticed

    • Module 14 - Getting Noticed (Pages 30 to 31)

    • Module 15 - Identify Networking Groups & Opportunities

    • Module 15 - Identify Networking Groups & Opportunities

    • Module 16 - Events

    • Module 16 - Events (Pages 32 to 34)

    • Module 17 - Follow Up

    • Module 17 - Follow Up (Pages 34 to 36)

    • Module 17 - Templates & Downloads

    • Module 18 - Track, Maintain & Adjust

    • Module 18 - Track, Maintain & Adjust (Pages 37 to End)

  • 3

    Lead Generation - Friends & Family

    • Module 1 - Intro & Content (Pages 1 to 2)

    • Friends & Family Program Template

    • Module 2 - Handling F&F

    • Module 2 - Handling F&F (Pages 3 to 5)

    • Module 3 - F&F Program

    • Module 3 - F&F Program Intro (Pages 5 to 6)

    • Module 4 - Internal Gift Card

    • Module 4 - Internal Gift Card (Pages 6 to 9)

    • Module 4 - Internal Gift Card Template

    • Module 5 - External Gift Card

    • Module 5 - External Gift Card (Pages 9 to 12)

    • Module 5 - External Gift Card Template

    • Module 6 - Credit Checks

    • Module 6 - Credit Checks (Pages 12 to 23)

    • Module 6 Templates

    • Module 7 - Check Up

    • Module 7 - Check Up (Pages 23 to 28)

    • Module 8 - VRM Update

    • Module 8 - VRM Update (Pages 28 to 29)

    • Module 8 Templates

    • Module 9 - Budget Planner

    • Module 9 - Budget Planner (Pages 29 to 31)

    • Module 9 Templates

    • Module 10 - Negotiations

    • Module 10 - Negotiations (Pages 31 to 33)

    • Module 10 Templates

    • Module 11 - Launch

    • Module 11 - Launch (Pages 33 to 37)

    • Module 12 - About You

    • Module 12 - About You (Pages 37 to 45)

    • Module 12 Templates

    • Module 13 - Social Media

    • Module 13 - Social Media (Pages 45 to 50)

    • Module 14 - Gatherings

    • Module 14 - Gatherings (Pages 50 to 51)

    • Module 15 - Unnecessary Interest (Page 52)

    • Module 16 - Moving Checklist

    • Module 16 - Moving Checklist (Pages 52 to 55)

    • Module 17 - Realtors

    • Module 17 - Realtors (Page 56)

    • Module 18 - Credit Analysis

    • Module 18 - Credit Analysis (Page 57)

    • Module 19 - Renewals

    • Module 19 - Renewals (Pages 57 to 58)

    • Module 19 Templates

    • Module 20 - Partners

    • Module 20 - Partners (Page 59)

    • Module 21 - Discounts

    • Module 21 - Discounts (Page 59)

    • Module 22 - On Going

    • Module 22 - On Going (Page 59)

    • Module 23 - To Do

    • Module 23 - To Do (Pages 59 to 65)

  • 4

    Add Value & Differentiate - Pre Approvals

    • Module 1 - Intro & Content (Pages 1 to 3)

    • Module 2 - Deal Process

    • Module 2 - Deal Process (Pages 4 to 8)

    • Module 2 Downloads

    • Module 3 - Initial Lead

    • Module 3 - Initial Lead (Pages 9 to 10)

    • Module 3 Downloads

    • Module 4 - Lead Updates (Flow Chart)

    • Module 5 - Obtain App Intro (Flow Chart)

    • Module 6 - 1st Email

    • Module 6 - 1st Email (Pages 10 to 17)

    • Module 6 Downloads

    • Module 7 - Call

    • Module 7 - Call (Pages 17 to 18)

    • Module 8 - 2nd Email

    • Module 8 - 2nd Email (Pages 18 to 24)

    • Module 8 Downloads

    • Module 9 - 3rd Email

    • Module 9 - 3rd Email (Pages 24 to 29)

    • Module 9 Downloads

    • Module 10 - 4th Email

    • Module 10 - 4th Email (Pages 29 to 33)

    • Module 10 Downloads

    • Module 11 - Last Call

    • Module 11 - Last Call (Page 34)

    • Module 12 - Application (Pages 34 to 37)

    • Module 12 - Application

    • Module 13 - Open File

    • Module 13 - Open File (Pages 37 to 44)

    • Module 13 Downloads

    • Module 14 - Thank You

    • Module 14 - Thank You (Pages 45 to 46)

    • Module 14 Downloads

    • Module 15 - Template Intro

    • Module 15 - Template Intro (Pages 46 to 47)

    • Module 16 - Insured Options

    • Module 16 - Insured Options (Pages 47 to 54)

    • Module 16 Downloads

    • Module 17 - Uninsured Options

    • Module 17 - Uninsured Options (Pages 54 to 59)

    • Module 17 Downloads

    • Module 18 - Decline Options

    • Module 18 - Decline Options (Pages 59 to 69)

    • Module 18 Downloads

    • Module 19 - Follow Up

    • Module 19 - Follow Up (Page 69)

    • Module 20 - Pre Approvals

    • Module 20 - Pre Approvals (Pages 70 to 72)

    • Module 20 Download

    • Module 21 - Communicate

    • Module 21 - Communicate (Pages 73 to 76)

    • Module 22 - Follow Up

    • Module 22 - Follow Up (Pages 76 to 77)

  • 5

    Underwrite & Fund - Traditional Clients

    • Module 1 - Intro & Content (Pages 1 to 6)

    • Module 2- Traditional Deal Profile

    • Module 2 - Traditional Deal Profile (Pages 7 to 10)

    • Module 3- Lenders

    • Module 3 - Lenders (Pages 10 to 13)

    • Module 4- Alternative

    • Module 4 - Alternative (Pages 13 to 16)

    • Module 5- Innovative

    • Module 5 - Innovative (Pages 16 to 18)

    • Module 6- Know your client

    • Module 6 - Know Your Client (Page 19)

    • Module 7- Fraud

    • Module 7 - Fraud (Pages 19 to 22)

    • Module 7 Downloads - Mortgage Fraud & Documentation Red Flags

    • Module 8- Application

    • Module 8 - Application (Page 23 to 26)

    • Module 8 Downloads - Application Form & Canadian Mortgage Calculator

    • Module 9- Legal name

    • Module 9 - Legal Name (Page 26)

    • Module 10- SIN

    • Module 10 - SIN (Pages 26 to 28)

    • Module 11- DOB

    • Module 11 - DOB (Page 28)

    • Module 12- Dependents

    • Module 12 - Dependents (Pages 28 to 29)

    • Module 13- Marital status

    • Module 13 - Marital Status (Pages 29 to 30)

    • Module 14- Addresses

    • Module 14 - Addresses (Page 30)

    • Module 15- Rent or Own

    • Module 15 - Rent or Own (Pages 30 to 31)

    • Module 16- Contact info

    • Module 16 - Contact Info (Page 31)

    • Module 17- Employer

    • Module 17 - Employer (Pages 31 to 32)

    • Module 18- Occupation

    • Module 18 - Occupation (Pages 32 to 33)

    • Module 19- Self employed

    • Module 19 - Self Employed (Pages 34 to 35)

    • Module 20- Previous Employer

    • Module 20 - Previous Employer (Page 35)

    • Module 21- Other Income

    • Module 21 - Other Income (Pages 35 to 36)

    • Module 21 Downloads - Pre Approval Email

    • Module 22- Down payment

    • Module 22 - Down Payment (Pages 37 to 39)

    • Module 23- Down payment source

    • Module 23 - Down Payment Source (Page 39)

    • Module 24- Purchase closing costs

    • Module 24 - Purchase Closing Costs (Pages 39 to 40)

    • Module 25- Refinance closing costs

    • Module 25 - Refinance Closing Costs (Page 40)

    • Module 26- Co- Applicant

    • Module 26 - Co-Applicant (Pages 40 to 41)

    • Module 27- Assets

    • Module 27 - Assets (Pages 41 to 42)

    • Module 28- Liabilities

    • Module 28 - Liabilities (Page 42)

    • Module 29- Other properties

    • Module 29 - Other Properties (Pages 42 to 43)

    • Module 30- Subject property

    • Module 30 - Subject Property (Page 43)

    • Module 31- Consent

    • Module 31 - Consent (Page 44)

    • Module 32- Questions

    • Module 32 - Questions (Pages 44 to 47)

    • Module 33- Verify & Collect

    • Module 33 - Verify & Collect (Pages 48 to 50)

    • Module 33 Downloads - Things I'll Need Brochure

    • Module 34- Employment letters

    • Module 34 - Employment Letters (Page 50)

    • Module 35- Pay stubs

    • Module 35 - Pay Stubs (Pages 51 to 52)

    • Module 36- NOA

    • Module 36 - NOAs (Page 52 to 53)

    • Module 37- T1 Generals

    • Module 37 - T1 Generals (Pages 54 to 55

    • Module 38- Track docs

    • Module 38 - Track Docs (Page 55)

    • Module 39- Underwriting 5 C's

    • Module 39 - Underwriting 5 C's (Pages 56 to 58)

    • Module 40- Mortgage terms

    • Module 40 - Mortgage Terms (Page 58 to 59)

    • Module 41- Mortgage products

    • Module 41 - Mortgage Products (Pages 59 to 61)

    • Module 42- Collateral Charges

    • Module 42 - Collateral Charges (Page 60)

    • Module 43- Default insurance

    • Module 43 - Default Insurance (Pages 61 to 62)

    • Module 44- Personal resource

    • Module 44 - Personal Recourse (Page 62)

    • Module 45- Default Insurers

    • Module 45 - Default Insurers (Page 62)

    • Module 46- Canada Guaranty

    • Module 46 - Canada Guaranty (Page 63)

    • Module 47- CHMC

    • Module 47 - CMHC (Pages 63 to 64)

    • Module 48- Genworth

    • Module 48 - Genworth (Page 64)

    • Module 49- Legislation changes

    • Module 49 - Legislation Changes (Pages 64 to 65)

    • Module 50- Loan to value

    • Module 50 - Loan to Value (Page 65)

    • Module 51- Lender fees

    • Module 51 - Lender Fees (Pages 65 to 66)

    • Module 52- interest rates

    • Module 52 - Interest Rates (Page 66)

    • Module 53- Rate hold policy

    • Module 53 - Rate Hold Policy (Page 66)

    • Module 54- Rate Drops

    • Module 54 - Rate Drops (Page 67)

    • Module 55- Rate Buy Down

    • Module 55 - Rate Buy Down (Pages 67 to 68)

    • Module 56- Amortization

    • Module 56 - Amortization (Pages 68 to 69)

    • Module 57- Mortgage amounts

    • Module 57 - Mortgage Amounts (Page 69)

    • Module 58- Payment frequency

    • Module 58 - Payment Frequency (Pages 69 to 70)

    • Module 59- Pre-payment privileges

    • Module 59 - Pre-Payment Privileges (Page 71)

    • Module 60- Pre- payment penalties

    • Module 60 - Pre-Payment Penalties (Page 72)

    • Module 61- Assumability

    • Module 61 - Assumability (Page 73)

    • Module 62- Portability

    • Module 62 - Portability (Pages 73 to 74)

    • Module 63- Lender Extras

    • Module 63 - Lender Extras (Pages 74 to 75)

    • Module 64- Hidden surprises

    • Module 64 - Hidden Surprises (Page 75)

    • Module 65- Purchase pre-approvals

    • Module 65 - Purchase Pre-Approvals (Pages 76 to 78)

    • Note about- Modules 66 to 73

    • Module 66- Purchase products

    • Module 66 - Purchase Products (Page 78)

    • Module 67- Purchase terms

    • Module 67 - Purchase Terms (Page 79)

    • Module 68- Purchase LTV

    • Module 68 - Purchase LTV (Pages 79 to 80)

    • Module 69- Purchase mortgage amounts

    • Module 69 - Purchase Mortgage Amounts (Page 80)

    • Module 70- Purchase ports

    • Module 70 - Purchase Ports (Page 80)

    • Module 71- Purchase Bridge financing

    • Module 71 - Purchase Bridge Financing Pages 81 to 82)

    • Module 72- Purchase closing costs

    • Module 72 - Purchase Closing Costs (Pages 82 to 85)

    • Module 72 Downloads - Your Closing Costs Purchase

    • Module 73- Purchase Interest Adjustment

    • Module 73 - Purchase Interest Adjustment (Pages 86 to 88)

    • Note about- Modules 74 to 85

    • Module 74- Switch

    • Module 74 - Switch (Pages 88 and 89)

    • Module 74 Downloads - 10 Things Before You Renew

    • Module 75- Switch Terms

    • Module 75 - Switch Terms (Page 89)

    • Module 76- Switch LTV

    • Module 76 - Switch LTV (Pages 89 to 90)

    • Module 77- Switch Amortization

    • Module 77 - Switch Amortization (Pages 90 to 91)

    • Module 78- Switch Mortgage amounts

    • Module 78 - Switch Mortgage Amounts (Page 91)

    • Module 79- Switch Eligible lenders

    • Module 79 - Switch Eligible Lenders (Page 91)

    • Module 80- Switch Collateral Charge

    • Module 80 - Switch Collateral Charge (Pages 91 to 92)

    • Module 81- Switch fees and cost

    • Module 81 - Switch Fees & Costs (Pages 92 to 93)

    • Module 82- Switch Property taxes

    • Module 82 - Switch Property Taxes (Page 93)

    • Module 83- Switch capped fees

    • Module 83 - Switch Capped Fees (Pages 93 to 94)

    • Module 84- Switch Rate hold

    • Module 84 - Switch Rate Hold (Page 94)

    • Module 85- Renewal Compensation

    • Module 85 - Renewal Compensation (Page 94)

    • Notes about Modules 86 to 95

    • Module 86- Refinance and ETC

    • Module 86 - Refinance & ETO (Pages 95 to 96)

    • Module 87- Refinance Blend and Increase

    • Module 87 - Refinance Blend & Increase (Page 96)

    • Module 88- Refinance Fees and Cost

    • Module 88 - Refinance Fees & Costs (Pages 97 to 99)

    • Module 88 Downloads - Your Closing Costs Refinance

    • Module 89- Stay or Break calculator

    • Module 89 - Stay or Break Calculator (Pages 100 to 108)

    • Module 89 Downloads - Stay or Break Calculator

    • Module 90- Refinance Products

    • Module 90 - Refinance Products (Page 108)

    • Module 91- Refinance Terms

    • Module 91 - Refinance Terms (Page 108)

    • Module 92- Refinance LTV

    • Module 92 - Refinance LTV (Pages 108 to 109)

    • Module 93- Equity take out max

    • Module 93 - Equity Take Out Max (Page 109)

    • Module 94- Refinance Hold Rate

    • Module 94 - Refinance Rate Hold (Page 109)

    • Module 95- Refinance Other

    • Module 95 - Refinance Other (Page 109)

    • Module 96- Credit & FCAC

    • Module 96 - Credit & FCAC (Pages 110 to 112)

    • Module 96 Downloads - Understand Your Credit Report

    • Module 97- Credit Reports

    • Module 97 - Credit Reports (Pages 112 to 115)

    • Module 97 Downloads - Your Credit Score

    • Module 98- Equifax Vs. TransUnion

    • Module 98 - Equifax Vs TransUnion (Page 116)

    • Module 99- Credit Scores

    • Module 99 - Credit Scores (Pages 116 to 117)

    • Module 100- Payment History

    • Module 100 - Payment History (Pages 117 to 118)

    • Module 101- Amounts Owed

    • Module 101 - Amounts Owed (Page 119)

    • Module 102- Length of Credit

    • Module 102 - Length of Credit (Pages 119 to 120)

    • Module 102 Downloads - Credit Reports Length of Time

    • Module 103- New Credit

    • Module 103 - New Credit (Pages 120 to 121)

    • Module 104- Types of credit

    • Module 104 - Types of Credit (Pages 121 to 122)

    • Module 105- Identity theft & Errors

    • Module 105 - Identify Theft & Errors (Pages 122 to 125)

    • Module 105 Downloads - Preventing Identity Theft

    • Module 106- Reading Credit Reports

    • Module 106 - Reading Credit Reports (Pages 125 to 128)

    • Module 106 Downloads - Equifax Documents

    • Module 107- Credit History

    • Module 107 - Credit History (Page 129)

    • Module 108- Bad Credit

    • Module 108 - Bad Credit (Page 129)

    • Module 109- Minimum Score

    • Module 109 - Minimum Score (Pages 129 to 130)

    • Module 110- Capacity

    • Module 110 - Capacity (Page 130)

    • Module 111- Qualifying Rates

    • Module 111 - Qualifying Rates (Pages 130 to 132)

    • Module 112- GDS General

    • Module 112 - GDS General (Page 132)

    • Module 113- GDS Extended Ratios

    • Module 113 - GDS Extended Ratios (Pages 132 to 133)

    • Module 114- TDS General

    • Module 114 - TDS General (Page 133)

    • Module 115- TDS Extended Ratios

    • Module 115 - TDS Extended Ratios (Pages 133 to 134)

    • Module 116- Income Requirements & Proof

    • Module 116 - Income Requirements & Proof (Pages 134 to 135)

    • Module 117- Debt & Liabilities

    • Module 117 - Debts & Liabilities (Pages 135 to 140)

    • Module 118- Collateral & Searches

    • Module 118 - Collateral & Searches (Page 141)

    • Module 119- Property Location

    • Module 119 - Property Location (Page 141)

    • Module 119 Downloads - Equifax Calibration Scale & User Guide

    • Module 120- Min SQ FT Homes

    • Module 120 - Min Sq Ft Homes (Page 141)

    • Module 121- Min Sq Ft Condos

    • Module 121 - Min Sq Ft Condos (Pages 141 to 142)

    • Module 122 - Condo Fees & Reserve Funds (Page 142)

    • Module 123- Rural Properties

    • Module 123 - Rural Properties (Page 143)

    • Module 124- Non Major Locations

    • Module 124 - Non Major Locations (Pages 143 to 144)

    • Module 125- Private Sales

    • Module 125 - Private Sales (Page 144)

    • Module 126- No. of units

    • Module 126 - No. Of Units (Pages 144 to 145)

    • Module 127- Property Value

    • Module 127 - Property Value (Pages 145 to 146)

    • Module 128- Appraisals

    • Module 128 - Appraisals (Page 146)

    • Module 129- Age of Property

    • Module 129 - Age of Property (Pages 146 to 148)

    • Module 130- Auto Valuation

    • Module 130 - Auto Valuation (Pages 148 to 149)

    • Module 131- Ordering Appraisals

    • Module 131 - Ordering Appraisals (Page 149)

    • Module 132- Stigmatized Homes

    • Module 132 - Stigmatized Homes (Page 149)

    • Module 133- Down Payment

    • Module 133 - Down Payment (Page 150)

    • Module 134- Max LTV

    • Module 134 - Max LTV (Page 150)

    • Module 135- Own Resources Proof

    • Module 135 - Own Resources Proof (Page 150)

    • Module 136- RSP Withdrawal

    • Module 136 - RSP Withdrawal (Page 151)

    • Module 137- Inheritance

    • Module 137 - Inheritance (Page 151)

    • Module 138- Sweat Equity

    • Module 138 - Sweat Equity (Page 152)

    • Module 139- Grants

    • Module 139 Downloads - Canada Ontario Affordable Housing Program

    • Module 139 - Grants (Pages 152 to 153)

    • Module 140- Relocation Allowance

    • Module 140 - Relocation Allowance (Page 153)

    • Module 141- Gifted Equity

    • Module 141 - Gifted Equity (Pages 153 to 154)

    • Module 142- Gifted funds

    • Module 142 - Gifted Funds (Page 154)

    • Module 142 Downloads - Gift Letter Template

    • Module 143- Cash back

    • Module 143 - Cash Back (Pages 154 to 155)

    • Module 144- Borrowed

    • Module 144 - Borrowed (Pages 155 to 156)

    • Module 145 - Other Down Payments (Page 156)

    • Module 146- Character

    • Module 146 - Character (Page 157)

    • Module 147- Qualifying calculator

    • Module 147 - Qualifying Calculator (Pages 157 to 159)

    • Module 147 Downloads - Traditional GDS & TDS Calculator

    • Module 148- Lender Selection

    • Module 148 - Lender Selection (Page 159)

    • Module 149- GDS Troubleshooting

    • Module 149 - GDS Troubleshooting (Pages 159 to 161)

    • Module 150- TDS Troubleshooting

    • Module 150 - TDS Troubleshooting (Pages 162 to 163)

    • Module 151- Submitting to lender

    • Module 151 - Submitting to Lender (Page 164)

    • Module 152- Notes to the lender

    • Module 152 - Notes to Lender (Pages 164 to 165)

    • Module 153- Manual Submissions

    • Module 153 - Manual Submissions (Pages 165 to 171)

    • Module 153 Downloads - Manual Submission Executive Summary

    • Module 154- Submission Protocol

    • Module 154 - Submission Protocol (Pages 172 to 172)

    • Module 154 Downloads - Lender Submission & Conditions Protocol

    • Module 155- Meeting Conditions

    • Module 155 - Meeting Conditions (Pages 173 to 175)

    • Module 155 Downloads - Client Front Page Information

    • Module 156 - Intro to Lawyer

    • Module 156 - Intro to Lawyer (Page 175 to 176)

    • Module 156 Downloads - Intro Letter to Lawyer

    • Module 157- Call Lawyer

    • Module 157 - Call Lawyer (Page 177)

    • Module 158- Sign up

    • Module 158 - Sign Up (Page 177)

    • Module 159- Signing package

    • Module 159 - Signing Package (Pages 177 to 181)

    • Module 159 Downloads - What to know before your mortgage funds

    • Module 160- Call Client

    • Module 160 - Call Client (Page 181)

    • Module 161- Compliance

    • Module 161 - Compliance (Page 181)

    • Module 162- Track Your Commissions

    • Module 162 - Track Your Commissions (Page 182)

    • Module 163 - Commission Tracker (Page 182)

    • Module 163 Downloads - Outstanding Finders Fee & Volume Bonus Tracker

    • Module 164 - Wrap Up & Upgrade (Page 182)

About the instructor

Chief Education Officer

Claire Drage

Claire Drage, CEO and Owner of The Lion’s Share Group, founded the company in 2010 in order to share her methodology with others in her industry, with the main goal of assisting mortgage agents in capturing the “Lion’s Share” of the mortgage market in Canada.Born in England, Claire's entrepreneurial spirit and a sense for adventure led her to move to Tenerife, Canary Islands for twelve years before coming to Canada in 1998. It is in Calgary that she became a successful Mortgage Agent. Claire subsequently moved over to the lending side of the business holding Business Development positions at two National mortgage lenders before a promotion moved her and her family to Toronto in 2006. As the Director of Broker Origination, her key responsibilities included managing a growing sales team across the country. Her energy, enthusiasm and a strong ability to add value helped drive corporate goals and meet their objectives. After moving back to the broker side of the business as Regional Vice President, Eastern Ontario and Atlantic Region for a National Brokerage, Claire’s entrepreneurial spirit once again took over as she decided to step back into her broker shoes as a Mortgage broker in Freelton, Ontario.Claire has many years of experience in our industry from both perspectives – as an Agent, then Broker and a lender. Claire is a very successful Mortgage Broker in Ontario, having increased her origination's substantially with consistency and is ranked in the top 1% nationally and No.2 Team Leader with her brokerage.She was awarded Reader’s Choice Mortgage Broker of the Year 2014 with Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine as well as Mortgage Broker of the Year 2014 with her brokerage. Also named Women of Influence for three years in a row - 2015 to 2017 and most recently on the 2017 Hot List by Canadian Mortgage Professional.Claire has used this experience to grow a large and successful team of producing agents herself, and create unique programs for mortgage professionals that are both proven and easily duplicated.She is a national speaker and an Elite Trainer for Real Estate Investors that following the Rich Dad Poor Dad philosophy.