Hiring an Assistant & Staff
Grow Your Business
This program is part of our GROW Series: You've now developed a successful business that is running smoothly and efficiently but you need help to further grow – including taking some time off and relax a little!
Hiring an Assistant & Staff
Hire the right staff and resources that work for you and allow you to leave your business and it functions smoothly without you. Don’t make expensive mistakes; make the right hiring choice! A complete program that is essential to successfully hiring the right support staff you can trust. From understanding, if you and your business are ready, detailed job descriptions, contract templates, hiring and firing processes and so much more! Overcoming your concerns and objections to taking your business to the next level – working smarter not harder means you need help and this is the module for you!
REMINDER: APPROVED USE AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT: Please remember that you have purchased the right to use this program, its training modules and templates. Do not distribute to anyone other than your own staff and assistants to be used on your own mortgage clients ONLY. It is forbidden to sell or distribute without permission from The Lion's Share Group Inc as per the Terms and Conditions agreed upon when you ordered this program.
Program Components
Learning Modules (in text form): Each chapter contains a text file that is your "workbook" that will walk you thru step by step to learning, understanding, and implementing the program content. Each text module will provide you with all the information and instruction you need that you can use over and over again - our recommendation is that you read the text file before watching the associated recorded module. Start to build your library of knowledge and experience. Refer to this workbook while you are watching the training modules.
Training Modules: Comprehensive training modules that will walk you through all elements of the program while providing invaluable information and insight and narrated by a top producing mortgage broker. Learn how to implement, use and maximise results with differentiating techniques. These training modules go above and beyond just reading the content of the workbook that you will receive - they explain in detail how to maximise the use and results of this Program in your business.
Templates: Includes a number of documents (templates, scripts, calculators and/or tools) for you to download to help you get started in your mortgage business. Point and Click easy to use soft copy templates to maximise your business growth and deliver value to your clients - no reinventing the wheel required - no technical experience required. You will find these templates listed under the specific Training Module they belong too and just click to download.
Updates and Upgrades to the Program: While your Program is still active online (expires after 365 days) or your VIP Membership is in good standing, updates to these templates will happen automatically and you will be advised by email so that you can download the updated version.
Claire Drage
Purchase Hiring an Assistant and Staff for $199
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